Frequently Asked Questions
How do I place an order? Add the desired items to your cart, proceed to checkout, select shipping options and securely enter payment information via PayPal.
What payment methods do you accept? We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express card processed through PayPal.
How do you secure payment information? All payment transactions are processed safely and securely through PayPal. For more information click here to view our privacy policy.
When will my credit card be charged? As soon as you place your order.
What name will appear on my credit card statement? Our parent company name DM Affiliates.
When will my order be shipped? Items are made to order and ship within 2 to 7 business days of order submission.
How can I track my order? You will receive a confirmation email immediately after placing your order and once your order has shipped. The shipment confirmation email will provide you with the tracking number and postal carrier.
Can I return or exchange items? Yes please refer to our return and exchange policy here.
For questions not answered here please email us at